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- A comprehensive resource for understanding Sanskrit terms and their meanings.New & Popular
Study Resources
- A simple guide to vibhakti forms.Popular
- A timeless Hindu scripture, part of the Mahabharata epic, that explores themes of dharma, karma, and the nature of the soul through a dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna.
- Read yoga sutras online
Telegram Bots
- A simple bot to search Kosha.Sanskrit.Today from your Telegram.
- A simple sanskrit bot to deliver one sanskrit word regularly to your mobile device.
What's new?
- FeatureFaster local searches!Our new local search feature offers lightning-fast results and advanced search options. No more waiting! Enjoy instant gratification with features like 'starts with,' 'contains,' and 'ends with.' Discover the power of instant search today.
- DictionarySix new dictionariesSix new Sanskrit-Sanskrit dictionaries (अभिधानचिन्तामणिः, अभिधानचिन्तामणिपरिशिष्टम्, अभिधानचिन्तामणीशिलोच्छः, अभिधानरत्नमाला, नाममाला, एकाक्षरनाममाला) added newly to our collection and moving close to 65 dictionaries overall.
- Explore the richness of Sanskrit with over 1.5 lakh new terms added from the Raghuvira dictionary. Dive deeper into meanings, discover new modern / technical words like 'reactive', 'intrinsic weight', 'introvert', etc.. and expand your Sanskrit vocabulary.Dictionary
- We're excited to announce the addition of a comprehensive Sanskrit-Tibetan dictionary to our website.Dictionary
- A convenient camera icon is positioned alongside each section, allowing you to effortlessly capture screenshots and save them as image files. These images can then be shared offline with others, providing a quick and easy way to document or share specific content.Feature
- Expand your vocabulary with vast number of categories (and growing!) covering everything from fruits to space. Search by word or category, see sample sentences & images.Recent Launch
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